One thing many people have in common is that they’re not too comfortable with asking for a raise at work. It may have been years since you last asked, or perhaps you’ve never asked before. Initiating this conversation with your manager can be challenging and intimidating. You don’t want to sound ungrateful for your job or greedy for more money. Those who consider asking for a raise are well aware of their worth at the workplace. This is a normal part of having a job, and holding off on asking could result in you missing out on a fair amount of money. Here are a few things you need to take into consideration before asking for a raise at work. 

Workload Responsibilities

Before approaching your manager, sit back and write a list of all your current responsibilities at work. Then include work that you would like to see yourself accomplishing soon. Many times more work responsibilities come with more money. By expressing your interest in taking on more projects or clients, the manager will more likely consider giving you higher pay. Don’t make the mistake of taking on more work that you won’t be able to do. Come up with a new strategy that can help you work efficiently while making more money. 

Your Value and Worth

Let your company know your value. Don’t be afraid to share your accomplishments, no matter the size. Approach your manager with examples of successful projects and satisfied clients or customers. Be detailed and outspoken about your accomplishments to let your job see your value and worth. Companies don’t want to lose those who have positively contributed their business, so laying out the facts will show them that you deserve the money. Going above and beyond in your work will come back and help you in the long run.

Do your Research

One of the biggest mistakes you could make is approaching a manager for a raise without doing your research. The internet is full of information, including your current role’s market value depending on location and company. Going in with a solid plan and realistic numbers can lead to the raise you want. Pay is often determined by your experience and years of work at the current company, so know your worth. Most importantly, research will help you be prepared for any questions that your manager may have about your request. It’s always better to be overly prepared than not at all.