Inspirational leadership enhances individual and team performance. It also maximizes creativity and propels innovation. It unlocks latent potential by tapping into people’s inner motivations and values. It motivates people to follow their passions and accomplish ambitious goals.

Leaders inspire and motivate people, says leader, speaker, author, and business strategist Art Markman. In his book, “Habits of Leadership,” Art Markman tells the stories of great leaders and how they inspired people to find new meaning in their work and lives.

He tells his readers about the tactics and habits of great leaders and explains why they worked so well. In essence, his message is that inspirational leadership is a force that can motivate people to achieve great things, change directions, take risks, and be bold.

Markman considers inspirational leadership an approach that great leaders use to engage their team, inspire action, and drive innovation.

How to Inspire Others

While it’s great to be a leader and have others on a team follow orders, it’s also essential that a leader inspires and helps others develop their leadership skills.

Here are some key traits of inspirational leadership:

  • An inspirational leader is passionate about their vision and the purpose of the organization.
  • An inspirational leader listens to what everyone in the organization has to say.
  • An inspirational leader believes in real inclusion.
  • An inspirational leader likes to give people what they want, within reasonable limits.

Choosing a Leadership Style

After someone studies the steps they need to take to truly become an inspiring leader, they have to develop their unique leadership style. There is no “one-size-fits-all” approach.

So, someone who aspires to be a leader needs to find what works best for their business, culture, and individuals.

As a senior leader, it’s easy to stir trouble and cause organizational problems. Since leaders often know almost everything that’s going on in their organization, it’s tempting to act without considering others. What makes things worse is that they do not have time to talk, listen, or even hear what others have to say. This leaves them open to criticism and possible pitfalls.

Someone who aspires to be a leader must inspire their employees. If they’re going to motivate their employees to succeed, they need to understand how to create a positive and inspirational environment for the team members in their care.